1歲6個月的她 還不太懂 不懂自己講 不懂媽媽講
今年夏天 岑媽要和周小岑再試一次
5月12日 一個早上是在擦地換褲渡過 
岑岑會自己要講尿尿 但是在桶桶裡都沒尿

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Moms inherit(something passes from one generation to another) words of wisdom"What goes around comes around" may be true for mothering styles(inherit)    
If you’re a mother, you’ve probalbly had a moment when you said to yourself, "I sound just like my mother!"    It’s understandable. In the task of mothering, the hours are long, the training takes place on the job, and such virtues(qualities a person has) as patience are sometimes in short supply.    Mothers often have to draw on reserves of strength they didn’t know they had. Those reserves are often built on advice from their mothers--sometimes sage, sometimes silly, but always memorable.
A mother’s influence    
’Functioning(put into practice) at a higher spiritual level is a piece of cake if you don’t have kids," says Lynn Casebeer, mother of a 7-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter. "So sometimes, when I don’t know what to do, I find myself thinking ’How did my mom do this?’"     Casebeer says she often doesn’t recognize her mother’s influence until after she calls on(try to remember) it. "I do remember her telling me about responsibility. When I didn’t want to do the baby-sitting job I had gotten, she would tell me that ’sometimes in life you need to do thihgs you don’t want to do. You’ve made the commitment and you have to carry it out.’    "Through my life, I’ve remembered that and taught it to my kids."
A mother’s values    

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太焦慮 太焦慮
兒童看電視一事 關於智力發展......... 云云
今早周小岑一到奶奶家不用想  電視一定開著
一進門 岑奶馬上要岑爺轉25台   岑岑要看跳舞

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